We love the Hussain family. They are so great. Sister Hussain is always willing to come and show us how to cook Fijian style. Tonight she is showing Sister Whiting, our neighbor, and me how to make Palau. This is a popular dish with the Fijians. It is made with rice, chicken and spices.
Connie Whiting, Maria Hussain, Cherie Tait getting ready to cook it up.
Sister Hussain testing how hot the oil is in the pan.
The rice is browned and seasoned and we are ready to add the chicken, other spices and water.
Pumpkin cut up and ready to put in the oven to roast. It is so yummy.
Peter Hussain (our Bishop), Kaylela, Maria, Leola
Elder Tait, Sister Tait, Sister Hussain, Bishop Hussain, Sister Whiting, Elder Whiting
Was it good, You will have to cook up a Fiji meal for all of us when you get home.