Sunday, November 13, 2011


Our math class at the Primary School
(front to back and left to right)  Bro. Nathan, Sis. Nathan, Sis. Rabuka, Bro. Tagicakibau, Bro. Qaqa, Sis. Vitinavulagi, Sis. Rokobuludrau, Sis. Talemaitoga, Sis. Bedesi


The new Singapore Math books.  We are hoping these books will be a great help to improving the math at the Primary School, which in turn will help the college.

Our Technology Class

Sis. Levaci, Sis. Qalovaki, Sis. Racule

Sis. Ram

Bro. Prasad and Mike deep in conversation.

We are finished up teaching our lessons for the technology class and now we are just waiting for everyone to turn in their assignments.  (That is the difficult part!)


  1. We know you guys are working so hard. Hope everyone turns in the homework lol. Also the singing was great. Love you guys

  2. Looks like the chalkboards there are made for GIANTS! I would never survive without a footstool on those boards!! You guys sound so busy!
