The College had an Open House for parents and students. They are trying to get more enrollment at the school, so they decided to showcase their programs to the community. The teachers did a fantastic job! All the departments went all-out with displays, learning activities, drawings for prizes,etc.
They had a pretty good turn out of people also.
Parents getting information about enrollment. On the right is Sister Bale, another secretary at the College. She is great!
Brother Solomone, the Principal, welcoming the visitors.

Brother Vitinavulagi, the HOD of the Science/Math Deptartment introducing the teachers in his department.
The Social Science Department. They all dressed in Bula (welcoming Fijian style clothing). They had drawings for prizes and a nice power point. from left to right. Sis. Fifita, Bro. Ratusaki, Sis. Sudh, Sis. Levaci, the HOD, Sis. Saubulinayau (it took about 9 months to learn her last name.)
Sis. Ritova, the librarian and TALL teacher, explaining the TALL program.
Technology Assisted Language Learning.
(We love our acronymns in education)
It is a to help students become more proficient in English.
Sister Sovasova , the school counselor, talking to parents about the SSEOP
Student Spiritual Educational Occupational Plan
Oh, another acronymn, imagine that!!!
Most of the students had never even thought about what they were going to school for, or how they would use it in the future, or the fact that what they are doing in school now and what class you sign up for, is a huge factor on what options you will have in the future.
Brother Dulaki presenting the Seminary program.
Bhavik Lal introducing the Home Economics fashion show. He is a very talented young man at the school who designed all of the fashions for the show. He is a form 7 (grade 13 ) student. (Here in Fiji students can do their first year of college at the high school level and a lot of students choose that because it is cheaper.) Below are some of the highlights of the fashion show.
The first design on the "catwalk"
All the clothes are "green" in principles and elements of design as well as the materials.
A gentleman's suit and a kimono style dress made from tapa cloth.
Bark from a tree that is pounded into a paper (like thick construction paper)
then the designs are painted on using natural dyes.
Bhavik was inspired by the use of plastic and created a line of "recyclable" clothing.
On the left is a bridal gown made from plastic trash bags.
(Notice the ear rings the "bride" has on - they are the lids of tin cans!)
On the right is a newspaper dress. I can just hear the model,
Q: "Are you staring at me?"
A: "No, I was just reading the sports page."

A "Yellow Ribbon" inspired suit, a blue hand-painted dress, and a tye dye creation.
Another hand-painted creation by Bhavik.
Most of Bhavik's outfits had already been showcased in Suva at the Hibiscus Festival, which is sort of a "county fair". This is only the beginning for Bhavik as most of the clothes he designed were sent to the U.S. and another 10 dresses will be sent later in time for the Fiji Day Fashion Show celebration in San Francisco and Las Vegas.