On the last school holiday, the end of August, the Primary School had a teacher's and spouse retreat. It was 2 days of learning and eating and diversion. The first day we went to the temple together and then went back to the school where we had a nice breakfast. (One of the teachers' husband said breakfast was the best part of the day. Better than bread and Milo anyway)
Mike gave one of the talks on appreciation for and the importance of supporting your spouse.
(Since I retired before Cherie, I have been a great wife to my wife, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and I get little appreciation! Just kidding)
I organized a getting to know you activity; "choose between two options"
Example: Do you like sweet snacks or salty snacks, (or as Mike said "diabetes or arteriosclerosis")
The second day we went to a resort called The Pearl which is about 45 min. from Suva. We had some learning activities, another nice lunch, and then some free time.. Most of the teachers played volleyball. That is a big thing here in Fiji. (Not as big as rugby however).
On the bus for our ride to the Pearl. Front to back: Bro. and Sis. Toro, Bro. and Sis. Rokobuludrau,
and Where's Nana???

and Where's Nana???
Me and Sister Tagicakibau (tang - ee - thaw - keem - bow). Her husband is a teacher at the Primary School and she is a secretary at the college. We really like her.
Most of the group. I fit right in with my sulu (Fijian skirt)!
Where's Papa? (NO! That is not him on the far right.)
Brother Wayne Maurer and us. He is the Director of the Church Schools is the Pacific. He came from NZ for a presentation. |